Saradindu, an aging father played by Mithun Chakraborty, is fed up with his son Indranil’s (Ritwick Chakraborty) neglect of him and his ailing wife Mala (Anashua Majumdar). So, what does he do? He ...
The film Bhagyyolokkhi, directed by Mainak Bhaumik, explores the lives of a middle-class couple, Satya and Kaberi Ganguly, ...
Actor-director Joydeep Mukheree is back with his new psychological thriller Oporichito, starring Ritwick Chakraborty, Anirban ...
The film stars Ritwick Chakraborty and Solanki Roy as a couple who discover a suitcase of money after a friend dies of drug overdose at their house, leading them into heroin trafficking.