The 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution had been ratified and Prohibition was over. Anthony Pepe was ready. On that day the New York State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board granted his license ...
President Herbert Hoover called Prohibition a “great social and ... Its fiercest public opponent was New York’s governor Al Smith, the nation’s leading social-reforming progressive governor.
When the Mayor of Berlin, Gustav Boess, visited New York City in the fall of 1929 ... A deadly riot in Portland in 1855 lead to the law's repeal. Now, Prohibition was being implemented on a ...
PROHIBITION IS DEAD- THE MORMONS KILLED IT- WHOOPEE— HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN. ¶ Underneath was a picture of a man guzzling beer from a keg in a New York bar. ¶ The London Star’s headlines ...
NEW YORK, July 14, 1939 - A number of letters have come to me complaining bitterly about the fact that I said in an article recently that the repeal of prohibition had been a crusade carried on by ...