Vijay Shekhar Sharma, the founder of Paytm and a young billionaire, owns a mansion in the Golf Links area of Lutyens’ Delhi. Purchased for ₹82 crores, this property reflects Sharma’s meteoric rise in ...
Businesswoman Renuka Talwar is the CEO of DLF Limited's luxury division. She is known for her major contribution in the real estate sector, specifically through her family's legacy in DLF.
In one of the biggest deals for a property in Lutyen’s Delhi, DLF Chairman KP Singh’s daughter Renuka Talwar bought a real estate property at Rs 435 crores. The property located at Lutyen’s ...
Renuka Talwar, a prominent businesswoman, and CEO of DLF Limited's luxury division owns one of Delhi's most expensive properties. In 2016, she created a buzz when she bought a lavish bungalow on ...