While these types of sharks definitely get the most attention, there are many different species out there that come in all ...
In a new publication, part of IUCN's series, marine scientists worldwide publish their findings on shark species in the ...
The international shark fin trade is hitting small coastal species and juvenile sharks harder than previously thought, ...
D own in the depths of the ocean live all sorts of rare and unusual beasties – from squids with tentacles that stretch for days and seals picking up good vibrations, the sea bed is home to all sorts ...
A black-and-cream leopard shark enters a hypnotic-like state of relaxation as scientists at Sydney Aquarium carefully roll ...
Scientists hope the body of a pregnant great white shark killed on a drumline will reveal some of the mysteries of the ...
Researchers discover an evening traffic pattern of sharks at Palmyra Atoll, where a deep channel from WWII connects sharks to ...
Formally known as the tope shark, the migratory shark has seen sharp declines from overfishing and bycatch in fishing nets.