Quidditch, the real-life sport inspired by the game played by muggles, witches and wizards in the “Harry Potter” universe, has a new name: quadball. The sport’s governing bodies in the ...
In the air, they played a version of Quidditch, the sport from the world of Harry Potter. The stunt was for a commercial for ETB, a Colombian telecommunications company, but it looked thrilling.
“The 2023 event was a great success, and we look forward to hosting this niche sport this spring and hopefully in coming years.” Quadball, also known by its fictional inspiration ...
There are two referees, one on either side too, though the goal is a hoop supported in the air– making it more like the goals ...
Hot on the heels of the success of Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter fans can now look forward to a standalone game based on wizarding sport Quidditch. Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions from WB games ...