the P wave is frequently not seen; it can be buried within the QRS complex, slightly before the QRS complex or slightly after the QRS complex. The morphology of the P wave will not be similar to ...
This association between an identical ECG morphology during entrainment and tachycardia and a long stimulus to QRS- or P-wave onset has been called "concealed entrainment" or, more appropriately ...
The P waves are negative in leads V1-V2, consistent with a left atrial abnormality or left atrial hypertrophy. The QRS complex duration (0.08 sec) and morphology are normal. The QT/QTc intervals ...
the P wave morphology would be different from the normal sinus P wave morphology. When every other QRS complex is a premature atrial contraction, then the rhythm is referred to as “atrial ...
1 Department of Family Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA 2 Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, ...