Ukraine is using a pulse jet engine to power the Trembita missile. Despite being an older, seldom-used design, these engines ...
Instead of the 50 watts of peak power typical of other spark plugs, pulse plugs deliver up to 10 times more peak electric power which lights the fuel. What's even more interesting is that they ...
Once that suction is created, a pulse-jet engine will never stop running until it devours its fuel and lifeblood. “The pipes are musical instruments, basically,” Maddox adds. The bigger they ...
Instead of being antagonized by the New Zealand and United States governments, [Bruce] spends most of his time now working on pulse jet projects. He’s flown quite a few modified R/C planes and ...
In order to develop the Trembita quickly and cheaply (up to $10,000), the Pars design bureau, made up of Ukrainian volunteers ...
SNECMA's work on pulse-jets began in 1943 with the objective of producing a simple jet engine. This artifact is an Escopette ... Despite their low pressure cycle, they have a specific fuel consumption ...