Ensure that you provide variety in what you do in your teaching and the learning opportunities you provide to cater for a large range of students. Laurillard’s different learning types and the ...
While instructors are often driven by the desire to include as much content as possible, research shows that prioritizing depth over breadth leads to more effective and long-lasting learning ... into ...
The principles of effective practice can be remembered by learning the acronym VPSMARTER: ...
This support could include a scaffolded worksheet, visual aids, technology support or cooperative learning structures, but differs by student need (George Washington University, 2020). The goal of ...
As virtual care increasingly continues to play a crucial role in health care, a new study by University of Calgary ...
There are a handful of learning technologies that are currently on the market that incorporate principles of cognitive ... can be counter-intuitive The most effective learning techniques can ...
and the effective integration of technology in teaching and learning. Students will familiarize themselves with and assess various educational technology and tools as they apply foundational ...
Implementation of principles of effective instruction in the content area and grade ... Clarification of personal teaching/learning beliefs, modification of instruction for diverse student needs, and ...