While the grand spectacle takes place next month, six of the seven planets will appear in the sky at once in a large ...
Sky gazers will get a peek at what has been called a "parade of planets," where this time around, up to seven planets may ...
Keep your eyes on the sky this upcoming year for a chance to spot breathtaking meteor showers, a special view of Saturn and a ...
Each evening, enjoy a sweeping view of four planets at once. Also look for Mars occulted by the Moon and meteors!
You will only have a few weeks to spot the planet closest to the sun as Mercury will be lost in the sunset by mid-March. Maybe you’ve seen a solar eclipse (when the moon blocks out the light of ...
casting its shadow onto the planet as it appears to cover the star. During a total solar eclipse, like the one seen across the U.S. and Mexico last April, the moon completely blocks the sun's rays.
In Rhode Island, the eclipse will be visible in the early hours of the morning starting at about 5:30 a.m. and ending around 7 a.m. In Providence, people will be able to see 41% obscurity.