The American pika — a small, herbivorous, conspicuously cute mammal related to rabbits and hares — is adapted to the cold climate in high-elevation boulder fields and alpine meadows in the mountains ...
Related to rabbits and hares and adapted to high-elevation habitat, the American pika faces a bleak future as temperatures rise and snow cover disappears 5 Record-Breaking Bird Migrations (02:56 ...
Until recently, the American pika's population in Wyoming was a bit of a mystery. While there have been several targeted studies of pikas in the Cowboy State, previous research has been limited in ...
Turuchan pikas play all sorts of games, including swinging from branches, throwing food around and hiding them jumping out at each other. Why it's awesome: Central Siberia may be a harsh and ...
one unlikely star of the Mammals Cold episode is a real-life Pokémon, the pika. There are around 30 species of pika across the globe and, like their close relatives rabbits and hares, none of ...