Haru Okumura, 18, is a final-year student at Shujin Academy. Referred to as a “Beauty thief” by her fellow party members in Persona 5, Haru confidant is the embodiment of Noir. Haru is shy and ...
Next up on the list is the last proper Phantom Thief to join the team in the original version of Persona 5: Haru. While Haru has by far the best fashion sense out of the Phantom Thieves ...
You need to have your Proficiency at Level 5. There are ten ranks of your confidant relationship with The Empress, Haru Okumura, that impact your relationship with her and your romance as well.
Bisoulovely announced a line of Persona 5 Royal jewelry consisting of mask rings and necklaces based on 9 playable characters.