Heartbreaking footage shows a baby orangutan trapped in a tiny cage in a smuggling ring that was smashed by police this week. The primate was torn from its home in Indonesia before being dragged ...
When you're a baby orangutan facing a long daunting trip abroad ... sailed across the English Channel with her carers to start a new life in Dorset. Born in a Spanish conservation centre, the ...
You may soon see a limit on where new gas stations can pop up in the city of Denver in an effort by council members to address the housing crisis. The Aurora Police Department is seeking charges ...
Kiwi is a one-year-old orangutan with a fantastic head of spikey hair who has just begun a new life in the UK ... nursery has gone on to have their own baby and look after it themselves, proving ...
The expressive, heart-melting faces of baby orangutans make them ... have been documenting the private lives of orangutans since 1992. “Every year brings new surprises,” says Knott.
The new mum has since discovered the orangutan, Sol, had previously given birth to a stillborn infant, making the experience even more emotional. Gemma added: "I felt heartbroken when I left the ...
Budi the baby orangutan was rescued in December after being kept in a chicken cage for months. Now, he is slowly recovering at an animal rehab center in West Borneo. Carly Marsh reports.
As many as four orangutans have been released into a protected forest in the Indonesian province of East Kalimantan after ...
When you're a baby orangutan facing a long and daunting trip ... sailed across the English Channel with her carers to start a new life in Dorset. Born in a Spanish conservation centre, the nearly ...