Pluto, the dramatic sci-fi mystery anime by Naoki Urasawa, has garnered much critical acclaim for its cerebral plotline exploring identity and humanity. With its dark ambience, morally complex ...
From Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter and Ryuk from Death Note, here are the top 12 scariest anime characters of all time.
Netflix will stream an animated adaptation of the “Pluto: Urasawa x Tezuka” manga series this year. The manga is based on “The Greatest Robot on Earth,” a popular arc from Osamu Tezuka’s ...
Genres Mecha, Mystery, Suspense, Sci-Fi Studio Studio M2 Creator Naoki Urasawa Number of Episodes 8 Netflix's Pluto ...
W hen Naoki Urasawa, one of the most relevant manga artists in Japan and worldwide, makes time in his busy schedule and accepts a commission, something big is about to happen. This is the Manga ...