Shigemi Fukahori, a survivor of the 1945 Nagasaki atomic bombing who devoted his life to advocating for peace and campaigning ...
Fukahori, who worked at a shipyard about 3 kilometers (2 miles ... When Pope Francis visited Nagasaki in 2019, Fukahori was ...
Fukahori died at a hospital in Nagasaki, southwestern Japan ... Fukahori, who worked at a shipyard about 3 kilometres from where the bomb dropped, could not talk about what happened for years ...
Shigemi Fukahori, a Japanese Catholic who survived the atomic bombing of Nagasaki in 1945 and who was an advocate for peace ...
Fukahori, who worked at a shipyard about 3 kilometers (2 miles ... When Pope Francis visited Nagasaki in 2019, Fukahori was the one who handed him a wreath of white flowers.
Fukahori, who worked at a shipyard about 2 miles from where the ... When Pope Francis visited Nagasaki in 2019, Fukahori was the one who handed him a wreath of white flowers.