The very same wheelchair that was being treated as luggage ... And I will say, in a sing-songy voice even: My life is good. Yet there I sat, intertwined among others who didn't see me board ...
it's such a novelty to finally experience the thing I've been paying tax towards all my life, which is perhaps why I so rarely get bored. It's like a cross between a hotel and prison. Surprisingly ...
"Three pills later, my life was turned upside down ... who also relies on a wheelchair. "It’s devastating," Talia says. "I was the caregiver in our relationship, and now I need someone to ...
As a wheelchair user, I can stay at home and be comfortable for the rest of my life. But when you get out there in the world, maybe things don't go as they're supposed to, but you’re gaining so ...
For me and my timing and what I want to do ... Foley saw as being vertical — she learned to embrace her current life in a wheelchair, “living vertically and sitting taller and elevating ...
“My quads just started firing again about a month ago,” Jordan ... Immediately after the accident, Jordan was life flighted to Salt Lake City, Utah. Paramedics on the scene assessed the trauma to ...