Pamela Hayden, who has voiced various characters including Bart’s best friend, Milhouse Van Houten, is retiring from the animated show after 35 years, Fox confirmed Wednesday. Hayden’s final ...
Producers plan to re-cast the role in the coming months. Milhouse van Houten has been a popular recurring character on the sitcom for the past 35 years, and is Bart Simpson's best friend.
NEW YORK (AP) — Pamela Hayden, the longtime voice actor behind Milhouse Van Houten — Bart Simpson's very uncool friend — is stepping away after 35 years of whining. Hayden, 70, who voiced ...
Pamela Hayden - who provided the voice for Milhouse van Houten and several other familiar characters - has announced that “after much deliberation” she is retiring from her role “to pursue ...
Hayden's final appearance as Milhouse Van Houten will come in this week's episode, "Treehouse of Horror Presents: Simpsons Wicked This Way Comes." The episode will premiere this Sunday ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Pamela Hayden, the longtime voice actor behind Milhouse Van Houten — Bart Simpson’s very uncool friend — is stepping away after 35 years of whining. Hayden, 70, who voiced ...