How many trains are there from Malleswaram to Bangalore City? There are 10 direct trains that run between Malleswaram and Bangalore City. The train schedules consist of 5 daily, 1 weekly and 2 ...
Malleshwaram is an assembly constituency in the state of Karnataka, India. It is located in the north-western part of Bangalore city and is one of the oldest residential areas in the city.
Malleshwaram comes under the Bangalore district and it is one of the 224 Karnataka Legislative Assembly Constituencies. People of Malleshwaram voted for Karnataka Assembly Election 2023 on May 10 ...
The Brigade School, Malleswaram is located in Bangalore Urban,Karnataka. Address The Brigade School, Malleswaram , Brigade Gateway Enclave Railway Parallel Road Entrance West Bangalore, Malleswaram, ...