If you want colorful exuberance in summer, lantana are bright and heat-loving flowering plants for growing in borders or containers. You can get annual or perennial varieties and which you plant ...
Lantana releases chemicals into the soil that inhibit the growth of other plants nearby, creating an imbalance in the ecosystem. The plant's dry leaves and woody stems are highly flammable ...
trailing lantana (Lantana montevidensis) might be the plant for you. This low-growing shrub sprawls over landscapes while cascading over walls and climbing fences. It brings color to the garden ...
Marenda “Mindy” Prati serves as Administrative Assistant on the Insight Association Management team in Lantana. We asked ...
DHARMAPURI: In an effort to prevent human- wildlife conflict, the forest department has been clearing Lantana Camara and Prosopis Juliflora tree species at the ...