The film also stars Bollywood’s beloved actress Kiara Advani in the leading role. Ahead of the film’s release which is lesser than a month away, the actress decided to drop a major BTS video ...
Game Changer actress Kiara Advani's fashion sense has always been elegant and minimalistic. Her knack for rocking simple ...
Kiara Advani was born in Bombay, Maharashtra. She was only 8 when she first appeared in front of the camera in a 1993 TV commercial with her mother, Genevieve Advani.She made her acting debut with ...
Kiara Advani has some big roles in her kitty. But her biggest, might just be loading. Is she pregnant? Well the proof is in the pudding...we mean dress Polka dots. That's our cue. Kiara Advani's ...
Apart from this, what’s more interesting is Kiara Advani’s remuneration for the film. Kiara Advani, playing the female lead, is also commanding a significant paycheck, and details of the same ...
The Untold Story’, which then marked a turning point for her in life Kiara Advani made history in 2019 when she became a household name thanks to her role in Kabir Singh opposite Shahid Kapoor.
Kiara Advani is in news for her upcoming movie Game Changer, but not for the right reasons this time. The actress recently shared a BTS video on social media, where she gave a shoutout to ...