MP Capt Chowta said that the Kambala race was held in six categories including ‘Kane Halage', ‘Adda Halage', ‘Hagga' junior, ‘Hagga' senior, ‘Negilu' junior, and ‘Negilu' senior.
Venkatesh spoke about the cultural grandeur of Tulu Nadu, where kambala, the traditional buffalo race, is a part of the heritage. He said that if his son was alive today, they would come together ...
Bengaluru is all set to host its first ‘Kambala’ event, a slush track buffalo race, which will be held at the Palace Grounds on November 25 and 26. This is the first time that the buffalo race ...
Mangaluru (Karnataka), Dec 28 (ANI): Rama-Lakshmana Jodukere Kambala (Buffalo race) was held in Mangaluru on December 28.
A construction worker in south India is being compared to the Olympic gold medallist sprinter Usain Bolt after a record-breaking win in a buffalo race ... was competing in Kambala, a sport ...