MISHIMA, Kagoshima - In the latter years of the Heian period, which spans 794 to the late 12th century, a Buddhist priest ...
Donald Keene and Seiki Keene Before his death, Keene told Seiki: "I think this play would be interesting if it were performed as kabuki." Seiki helped Portland State University's Professor ...
He acted in “Super Kabuki II,” a Kabuki play based on the popular manga “One Piece.” (This article was written by Aiko Masuda and Rina Horikoshi.) ...
Director Shinichi Ikeda, Producer Erin McCullagh, Assistant Producer Marika Kirton talk about their first Melbourne Kabuki theatre performance of Za Kabuki by the students of Australian National ...
Kataoka Ainosuke takes his first turn as our host. Ainosuke is a renowned kabuki actor. He'll be our guide to the attractions of kabuki looking at some of the roles he's played. He'll be our guide ...
The Kabuki play to celebrate the succession to the name of Ichikawa Danjuro XIII, Hakuen, was also scheduled to be held between May and July.