Jujutsu Kaisen concludes each of its season 1 episodes with a short segment called "Juju Stroll." These light-hearted, bite-size scenes follow the daily lives of Jujutsu High's students and teachers.
The nature of “Juju Stroll’s” place in the wider Jujutsu Kaisen canon is a strong topic of contention among the fan base. In Gege Akutami’s manga, the segments aren’t officially labeled ...
Kento Nanami is one of the most interesting and endearing characters in Jujutsu Kaisen. As a mentor to Itadori, Nanami won't hold his student's hand or ... and Nobara. Juju Strolls are one of ...
Satoru's incredible eyesight catapults him to a status unreachable by most modern-day sorcerers. "Juju Stroll" is a fan-favorite part of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime. But did you know its origins date ...