The story of young American missionary John Allen Chau, killed by a Neolithic tribe on a remote island, is terribly sad. I find it repulsive that some people on Twitter are using his death to work ...
But I think it's worth it to declare Jesus to these people." These were some of the last words in the final letter John Allen Chau sent to his parents before he was killed by the people of North ...
John Allen Chau was said to have been killed with arrows when he landed on North Sentinel on 17 November. He was trying to convert the protected people to Christianity. Indian authorities ...
In a statement, they said John Allen Chau "loved God, life, helping those in need, and had nothing but love for the Sentinelese people". Seven people who helped him reach North Sentinel island ...
John Allen Chau was said to have been killed with arrows when he landed on North Sentinel. He was trying to convert the protected people to Christianity. The fishermen who ferried Chau ...
John Allen Chau was shot with bows and arrows as he landed on North Sentinel island, which is forbidden to outsiders, say local fishermen. According to local officials, the 27-year-old was a ...
When American John Allen Chau was killed by an endangered tribe in India last week, it brought a renewed focus on some of the world's most isolated people. Officials in India said Chau was a ...
John Allen Chau is said to have been killed with arrows when he landed on North Sentinel island on 17 November. He was trying to convert the tribespeople to Christianity. His body is still on the ...
He has been identified as John Allen Chau, a 27 year old from Alabama. Contact with the endangered Andaman tribes living in isolation from the world is illegal because of the risks to them from ...