The video has now been removed from the Tanishq site Popular Indian jewellery brand Tanishq has withdrawn an advertisement featuring an interfaith couple after a right-wing backlash on social media.
An advertisement for traditional Indian jewellery starring a transgender model is winning hearts in India. The one-minute-40-second video charts the story of transition of a trans woman - an ...
It was a sweet ad for most people that showed people giving gifts of jewelry to loved ones, but some conservative Christians are outraged that a lesbian couple appeared in the ad. “Unfortunately ...
Considered one of the most creative eras in design, the art deco period gave rise to jewellery that was characterised by its symmetry, bold lines and geometric patterns. Coupled with the use of ...
Come with me, to the city where love never sleeps,' she says while decorated in Tiffany jewellery including a $39,000 diamond bangle. The actress, 28, has been signed as the face of the brand ...