An illumination event at a UNESCO World Heritage-listed settlement in this central Japan village began on Jan. 13, lighting ...
Today, thatched roofs can be found on quaint cottages, grand country manors and even traditional Japanese homes. Click or scroll to feast your eyes on some of the most beautiful straw-topped ...
In a mountainous area in Wakayama Prefecture, a group of young people wanted to renovate a thatched-roof house to help attract visitors. With no experience or money, they relied on a local custom ...
An old traditional Japanese house with a “kayabuki” thatched roof still stands along the slope. Minoru Tanaka, 67, was born and raised there. The house is designated as a tangible cultural ...
the chance to learn about thatching, and feel its appeal.
as these farmhouse’s steeply slanted thatched roofs bear an uncanny resemblance to the clasped hands of a person engaged in solemn prayer. I love the Japanese word "gassho," and I find it ...