Princess Aiko, the daughter of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, visited Ise Jingu shrine in Ise, Mie Prefecture, on March 26 to report her graduation from Gakushuin University. This was the ...
Ise Grand Shrine, in the city of Ise in Mie Prefecture and otherwise often referred to as Ise Jingu, is home to 125 shrines collectively known as the Jingu. One enters the Jingu by crossing the ...
In the wee hours of Wednesday, New Year's Day worshippers packed the grounds of Meiji Jingu, a major Shinto shrine in central Tokyo, praying that good luck will come their way in 2025. They began ...
Staff of the shrine discovered the damage later that same day and called ... There was such a sign the last time I was at Meiji Jingu. If you enter from the Harajuku station side, you have the huge ...
On Sunday, carvings resembling Chinese characters were discovered on another gate leading to the Meiji Jingu shrine. This week, the police also launched an investigation after finding a symbol ...
But it's Amanemu – a quieter, lesser-known retreat tucked deep into the pine-cloaked hills of Ise Shima National Park, near ...