Zika virus, infamous for causing microcephaly, manipulates a host protein called ANKLE2 to assist its replication, which also ...
It acts as a protective barrier ... of illness—it's your immune system in action. Its colors and textures tell a story of resilience, reflecting the intricate defenses that keep your body ...
The study findings elucidate how these specialized cells contribute to immune defenses by forming interconnected environments that facilitate T-cell activity, potentially enhancing anti-tumor ...
The vaginal innate immune system represents the first line of defense against foreign organisms ... In the vagina, there is a barrier that protects the epithelium from disruption.
As one of the largest immune organs in the body, the gastrointestinal tract contains 70% to 80% of the total body immune tissues. [41] The barrier defenses of the gut are illustrated in Fig 1.
Image Credit: CI Photos / Shutterstock.com In a recent study published in Nature, researchers investigate how cancer cells inactivate immune defenses by disrupting the stimulation of T-cells ...