Lionel Messi ‘s upcoming animated kids’ series has been acquired by Disney Branded Television. The series, titled “Messi and ...
Produced by Disney and Sony, this imaginative series combines fantasy and sports as young Leo takes on a heroic quest to save ...
Lionel Messi's animated journey to soccer stardom will be the subject of a new animated sci-fi series at Disney ...
A Lionel Messi-inspired animated series will soon premiere on Disney Channel after Disney Branded Television acquired Messi ...
Sony Pictures is set to co-produce and co-finance the highly anticipated new animated film, Scarlet, from Academy ...
Find out what critics think are the best animated Christmas movies and TV specials and where you can stream them.
The French show, based on the popular graphic novel series by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo, is directed by Alain Chabat ...
Disney Branded Television scores a goal with the acquisition of “Messi and the Giants,” a sci-fi animated show inspired by ...