It is important to know how to read and interpret safety labels and SDSs (updated from Material Safety ... Waste is generated in the laboratory on a regular basis; however, not all waste is hazardous.
Examples include: Confirm identity. If still useful see Recyclable Waste. If not, complete an EEM Hazardous Waste Label, attach it to the container and place in Satellite Accumulation Area (S.A.A.).
Private residents may drop off their household hazardous waste at the Kalamazoo County Household Hazardous Waste Center. Label each container with its content. Keep waste separate for effective ...
Most wastes generated in the laboratories and shops located on campus are prohibited from disposal in the regular trash or down the drain. Many of these wastes are regulated under the federal Resource ...
Furthermore, the settlement imposed injunctive terms requiring Frontier to properly store, dispose, label and transport hazardous waste, train employees on how to manage the waste, conduct three ...