Brain teasers are more than just riddles or puzzles – they're a mental workout in disguise! These challenging questions and problems come in all shapes and sizes, designed to test your thinking skills ...
“The good news is that by cutting down our alcohol consumption or by taking a break, such as the Dry January challenge, we ...
The team trained two monkeys to perform a visual task in which they ... Understanding how a relatively small brain structure ...
CVI refers to a brain condition, not an eye condition and ... will help to identify these specific behaviors; however, it is important to remember that children with other types of visual impairments ...
This study focused on the visual cortex ... the CB1 receptor on astrocytes appears to be an important player in early brain development, and disrupting this process can impact the amount that ...
Vincent Bonin, have published two new studies uncovering how visual information is processed and distributed in the brain. The studies reveal the complexity and flexibility of visual information ...
And there was a case of a child born without these type of cells and the brain was all sorts of disorganized. Has that case helped us understand about the importance of the microglia? YASEMIN ...
But what about the brain? “From a neuroscientist’s perspective, food is really fundamentally important for brain health, because our brains literally run on nutrients,” says Lisa Mosconi ...
It is known that sleep allows for the body and brain to replenish energy and repair themselves in critical ways. Memory consolidation, information processing, physical growth, muscle repair ...
Researchers at Neuro-Electronics Research Flanders (NERF), led by Prof. Vincent Bonin, have published two new studies uncovering how visual information is processed and distributed in the brain. The ...
Decreased likelihood of precisely looking at faces early in visual processing may be an important feature of autism ... Eyes are windows to the brain: Capturing eye movements to better understand ...