This heartwarming series goes inside world-class animal rehabilitation centers, where Hope and a new group of compassionate caregivers work together to save the wildlife in need of urgent care. With ...
Hope for Wildlife in Seaforth is asking people to donate their Christmas trees for their animals. “It provides a lot of shelter for the animals,” said Lindsay Macaulay, wildlife nutritionist.
Hope for Wildlife in Seaforth, N.S., is looking after two special guests this holiday season: a bobcat and a golden eagle. “The bobcat was found on the side of the road by a police officer ...
It’s a typical summer afternoon at the Hope for Wildlife rehabilitation centre. A snapping turtle dozes on an operating table, heavily sedated, while Dr. Mikaela Jahncke super glues metal hooks ...
In England, the Chester Zoo successfully hatched two Mitchell’s lorikeet chicks, deemed among the rarest parrots globally, marking a potential turning point in saving the species from extinction. Born ...