In the book Satyam Sanatanam (M a Center, 2024), the author known as Amma introduced a metaphor that helped me better appreciate the work we do as therapists. The metaphor used a seed to explain ...
By Judy Allen, Master Gardener In years past, gardening was more of a necessity than a hobby. Grocery stores weren’t on every ...
Do you have a green thumb? Even if the answer is no, gardening is one hobby you may want to pick up for the health benefits alone. Studies show that all that time outdoors pulling weeds, planting ...
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Gardening can be a therapeutic activity that has been shown to reduce stress levels. There's a practical side to the interest ...
Removing weeds as soon as they appear, before their roots fully anchor into the soil, is best for the garden, as well as your back. Always pull or dig up weeds by their roots, then compost or dispose ...
Garden therapy is not a new idea. In the 19th century, wealthy people who had nervous breakdowns went on rest cures that always featured gardens. Florence Nightingale was a strong supporter of ...
The benefits of gardening are well known. Being outdoors and with plants is proven to be therapeutic. Planting and tending plants is also a good way to get beneficial exercise in winter.