To consolidate their knowledge, you could get pupils to make booklets that include key information about the work of Galileo Galilei. They could define the keywords featured in the film ...
During the Renaissance era, the conflicting bedfellows of religion and science had clear delineations, dictated by Earth’s highest stewards to Heaven’s gates. “Science asks questions, but the Bible ...
the refractor by Galileo and the reflector by Newton. Those two scientific geniuses, as Sir Isaac himself acknowledged, built upon the work of others, and how they came to design their inventions ...
A young Galileo is perched atop the Leaning Tower of Pisa. He is in the middle of his famous experiment—the one in which he shows, by dropping cannonballs of different weights, that all objects ...
IN my review of the Salusbury translation of Galileo's “Dialogue”, revised by Giorgio de Santillana, in Nature of September 7, I wrote that this was the first modern edition of the work in the ...