"Disney's Frozen the Broadway Musical" is a mega-hit of the season at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora. The two performers who play Elsa and Anna talked about bringing their now classic characters to ...
When “Frozen” hit theaters in 2013, all parents’ lives were irrevocably changed forever. I am not a parent, but I feel pretty ...
Barks shot to fame on the BBC series I'd Do Anything in 2008, which searched for an actress to play Nancy in a new ... and McKeon say the crew of Frozen the Musical have managed to create a ...
Based on the 2013 film written by a trio of Oscar winners, Frozen features music and lyrics by the creators of the film score Kristen Anderson-Lopez (Up Here, Winnie the Pooh, In Transit ...
"Because there's no way to really create from pressure, you have to create from a sense of play and enjoyment and ... Thrills and chills at Frozen musical 'Even Disney princesses get terrified ...
(WLS) -- "Disney's Frozen The Broadway Musical" is a mega hit of the season ... Everleigh and Elowen Murphy play "young" Elsa and Anna. They alternate with two other suburban girls, appearing ...
Disney's Frozen The Musical will play its final performance at Theatre Royal Drury Lane on 8 September 2024.
Frozen set for 3-week run at the Academy of Music, March 21-April 7 Disney's hit Broadway musical 'FROZEN' at the Academy of Music ...
Earlier this year, TUTS also produced a vibrant version of the Disney musical "Newsies." The creative team worked with a dramaturg to explore the real-life history behind the "Frozen" era.
Even the biggest Frozen fans will be in for some surprises, as the production features brand-new music from Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, writers of the unforgettable Let It Go.
AURORA, Ill. (WLS) -- "Disney's Frozen the Broadway Musical" is a mega-hit of the season at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora. The two performers who play Elsa and Anna talked about bringing their ...
"Disney's Frozen the Broadway Musical" is a mega-hit of the season at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora.