Biological Anthropology is a biological science that deals with adaptations, variability and evolution of humans, and our living and fossil relatives. It is also a social science because biological ...
Are you interested in how cultures evolve? Then a BS in anthropology just might be the degree for you. You’ll study human cultures and their development–using biological, physical, written, linguistic ...
To do this, we work across diverse social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences approaches. Our department offers an undergraduate major in Anthropology, a major in Anthropology Education to ...
Every summer the CU Department of Anthropology conducts an archaeological field school for interested undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at CU Boulder. From 2002 to 2004, the field school ...
Anthropology studies the diversity and complexity of human life in a globally interconnected world. It considers such fascinating questions as why and how people from distant parts of the world are ...
Saint Louis University’s minor in anthropology allows you to explore race and ethnicity, inequality, American Indian studies, environmental anthropology, contemporary urbanism, health, archeology, ...
A complete list of major requirements, courses, and a proposed four-year program of study for anthropology majors are available in the UAB Undergraduate CatalogOpens an external link.. You will take ...
Any member of the Anthropology department will be glad to talk to you about the field and our class offerings. If you are unsure of who to talk to, contact our Director of Undergraduate Studies.