As of now, it only uses one of the ESP32’s two free SPI units. There were also two extra definitions that I had to add to the program to make it run, but they’ve both been streamlined into the ...
What is the goal of the new Statistical Performance Indicators (SPI)? The Statistical Performance Indicators measure the capacity and maturity of national statistical systems by assessing the use of ...
In this post on his blog, [Ralph] writes some custom bit-banged SPI code to cut the number of ... That really helps if you’re using a micro with only six free pins, like an ATtiny85.
The Digital Blocks DB-eSPI-SPI-MS-AMBA is a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Controller Verilog IP Core supporting the addition of Enhanced SPI (eSPI) bus transfers to the standard SPI Master/Slave ...
Reliable, usable, high-quality statistics are vital for global prosperity and progress. The Statistical Performance Indicators (SPI) provide an open-source framework for assessing the performance of ...