The Transformers franchise has had action figures based on various female Cybertronians, including Autobots such as Arcee, Elita-One and Windblade. Now, the mother of all fembots is rolling out in ...
Was Megan Fox axed from Transformers after Revenge of the Fallen? The reason? A controversial comment likening director Michael Bay to none other than Adolf Hitler. Back in 2009, Fox spilled her ...
Megan Fox/Instagram The “Transformers” star “found text messages involving other women and decided she was done” with MGK, whose real name is Colson Baker, an insider says. meganfox ...
That's apparently how it happens that Michael Bay has removed Megan Fox from Transformers 3, who is said to have insulted Bay at almost every chance she got, calling him Hitler, Napoleon ...
Megan Fox has announced she and US rapper Machine Gun Kelly are expecting their first child together. The Transformers actress tagged the musician in a photo which showed her kneeling, covered in ...