They started to swarm near the entrance of the nest, creating a living carpet of guards. Each time a hornet flew too close ... forest authorities to go into a local forest and remove a fallen ...
Frogs rest in all kinds of places. You could find one relaxing in a tree, under a rock or in a pond. You could even find a ...
requiring huge trees with a hollow cavity to nest in. Those happen to be the oldest and biggest in the forest—and are therefore highly valued by loggers. The birds are slow to reproduce ...
The bald eagle, a symbol of the power and the strength of the United States for more than 240 years officially became the ...
HABITAT: Owls need western North American old-growth forests of white pine, Douglas fir, and ponderosa pine that create high, closed canopies, good for nesting. They nest in tree cavities, old bird-of ...
Video from Louisiana's only national forest shows an eagle in its massive nest, protecting its eggs during a storm.
DESCRIPTION: The medium tree finch is a chunky, wren-like finch. The male has a black head, grayish-brown upperparts, and whitish or yellowish underparts. The female has a grayish-brown head. HABITAT: ...