You can also use barriers over the fingers, such as gloves or finger cots, to lower the risk of an infection. If you and your partner are practicing anal fingering, use a finger cot or rubber ...
In the Majengo area of Nyeri town, Jane Muthoni washes her dishes with a lot of pain. One of her fingers is swollen and turned red. "I finished washing my children's clothes using a detergent sold ...
Swimmers have been warned to give seals their distance amid fears of a “seal finger” infection if bitten by the aquatic mammals that are gathering in their hundreds around the UK coastline.
and fingernail infections. In Michael's case, the second finger on his right hand became shriveled up, and the nail barely grew. During winter the skin on that finger would become dry and cracked ...
Louise Round, who is an advanced marine animal medic with the charity, said: "It's a really nasty blood infection, it's horrible. It could basically mean you lose the finger." Ms Round advised ...
Now, say that a few days after your initial infection with S. aureus, you decide to go to the local health center to have your wound examined. Maybe your finger is not healing as quickly as you ...
The infection is only in the nail fold and doesn't extend deeper inside the finger or toe. The symptoms go away with treatment and last less than six weeks. The symptoms of chronic paronychia ...