The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), for its part, said it is conducting a crackdown against fake PWD IDs. The CHR lauded the two initiatives as “they are crucial in safeguarding the benefits ...
The head of the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA), an attached agency of the Department of Social Welfare and ...
"We do not teach people how to get fake IDs at the library," Roberson said. The vote on whether to accept the $14,000 grant for this year failed on a 2-2 tie vote. Without the funds the Library ...
In a statement on Monday, December 23, the human rights body expressed concern over the use of fake PWD IDs to wrongfully access privileges and discounts mandated by Republic Act 7277 or the Magna ...
In a statement on Monday, December 23, the human rights body expressed concern over the use of fake PWD IDs to wrongfully access privileges and discounts mandated by Republic Act 7277 or the Magna ...