who featured in the hit Netflix show Narcos, has been released from prison in the US and is expected to be deported back home. Fabio Ochoa Vásquez, 67, a former associate of Pablo Escobar, was ...
he resurfaced in the hit Netflix series “Narcos” true to form as the youngest son of an elite Medellin family into ranching and horse breeding that cut a sharp contrast with Escobar ...
T WO OF THE biggest Latin American television shows of recent years have depicted Colombia. One, “Narcos” (2015-17), showed ...
"Narcos" is part of Netflix's crazy push to make new TV shows. The show portrays infamous drug lord Pablo Escobar, who is played here by Wagner Moura. You can watch "Narcos" on Netflix August 28.
Living in Miami, Ochoa ran a distribution center for the cocaine cartel once headed by Pablo Escobar. Although somewhat faded ...
One of Colombia’s legendary drug lords and a key operator of the Medellin cartel has been deported back to the South American ...
Your life would leave your body in a heartbeat.” Now, as the second series of the hit Netflix series Narcos, dramatising Escobar’s life, is released, convicted killer Velásquez granted the ...
Narcos began as a gritty drama about the rise and fall of Colombian drug lords and gangs such as Pablo Escobar and the Cali Cartel. The storyline will now shift to Mexico and will explore the ...
On Wednesday, Pablo Escobar's brother Roberto wrote a "friendly" and "formal" letter to Netflix asking to review the second season of "Narcos" to ensure it was an accurate portrayal of his family.