In life, this individual was known as Tetinebefou, "conjurer of the goddess Serket,"  "director of medicinal plants," and ...
The tomb of an ancient Egyptian royal physician, who also had the role of being a magician, has been unearthed in Saqqara.
Experts on the hunt for the queen's tomb believe that they’ve found a small bust of her—but not everyone agrees ...
Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed the remains of a multi-skilled wizard-doctor who treated the pharaohs some 4,000 years ...
A monumental discovery in Luxor has reignited global fascination with ancient Egypt. Archaeologists have unearthed an extraordinary cache of artifacts at the renowned Deir el-Bahari necropolis on the ...
This marble statuette is emblematic of Ptolemaic-era art: a mishmash of styles with a decidedly Egyptian twist.
Egyptian artist Khaled Zaki will present his work during the upcoming Tuwaiq Sculpture International Symposium, scheduled to ...
Queen Nefertiti, whose iconic bust was discovered over a century ago, continues to captivate imaginations worldwide.