Vibrant Streets Duluth, an advocacy group created Duluth’s Ghost Bike memorial at the site where Hoover died. Forrest Vodden, a Board Member of Vibrant Streets Duluth, says there needs to be ...
A couple weeks ago, a Duluth man died in a crash on Mesaba avenue while riding his bike. He was crossing lower West 1st Ave when he crashed into two cars driving southbound. Duluth community ...
Alice Tibbetts of Vibrant Streets Duluth wore all the safety gear she uses while biking. It wouldn't have saved her from a car going 42 mph on Mesaba Avenue, she said Thursday at the Zeitgeist ...
The Lincoln Park Trail in Duluth is a great spot for a hike or mountain bike ride. The park trail winds through some ...
The Duluth Parks and Recreation department won the Tommy Johnson Award for their Youth on Trails mountain biking program.