The animated film Despicable Me 4, which saw strong success at the box office, will be available on Peacock from October 31.
As annoying as the little twerps can be, they're also the best part of Despicable Me 4 – or the only part that kind of works. Gru's plot involves attending a reunion at his alma mater in order ...
A major new trailer for Despicable Me 4 dropped at the beginning of this week, which is due in cinemas this summer (from 3 July in the US; 12 July in the UK), and it's already lit the internet on ...
Opens Wednesday in theatres everywhere. 94 mins. G In “Despicable Me 4,” reformed supervillain Gru is told he’ll have to be “less Gru-ish” to blend into an upscale new town, a move ...
Get your yellow face paint and overalls ready, because Universal and Illumination’s “Despicable Me 4” is now streaming on Peacock. After releasing in theaters over the summer on July 3 ...
Gru and his family are back for Despicable Me 4. “Not since The Blair Witch Project launched 25 years ago on the same weekend in July has there been an independent genre film that out-projected ...