2001: A Space Odyssey follows David Bowman and a crew of astronauts who are sent on a mission through space. However, while on their mission, their spacecraft's computer system, HAL 9000 ...
In 1968 a film called "2001 - A Space Odyssey" was released ... You will remember the chilling dialogue: Dave: "Open the pod bays doors HAL" HAL: "I'm afaid I can't do that Dave".
A Space Odyssey using Legos is a hacker’s delight. The stargate in 2001 is that long, trippy bit where our protagonist Dave “I’m sorry Dave” Bowman gets pulled through space and time into ...
Forty years ago, this lesser-known sequel attempted to explain the mysteries of one of sci-fi's greatest movies.
Thirty-three years after it was first released, Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey gets a welcome ... concerns the fate of astronauts Dave Bowman (Dullea) and Frank Poole (Gary ...
Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey helped launch the world's first super-high definition 8K television channel on Saturday. Japanese broadcaster NHK said it had asked Warner Bros to scan the ...