The brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus) is a lesser-known relative of the infamous black widow. The first brown widow spider was discovered in Los Angeles in early 2000. A member of the ...
The first signs of a black widow spider bite are usually a pinprick sensation, minor swelling, redness and a target-shaped sore, Medline Plus explains. Within 15 minutes to an hour of getting the bite ...
Other visual characteristics that will help you identify a brown widow spider include: A dark brown, black or mottled tan ...
Instead of traditional naming based on traits or location, a Chinese arachnologist turned to Jay Chou’s discography, naming ...
The trapdoor spider is one of the sneakiest hunters in the arachnid world. These clever spiders are named for their unique hunting strategy: They build burrows with hinged "doors" made of soil and ...