Created by Sunsoft, which was at the top of its game in the late 1980s with classic release after classic release, Journey to Silius was originally supposed to be a licensed Terminator game.
The game will also feature an open world with survival elements, the Terminator franchise's first, no less. The player will be playing as a group of survivors from the nuclear apocalypse who are ...
If one company was known for its amazing licensed NES games, it's Sunsoft. With classic titles ranging from Batman to Journey to Silius (which was originally supposed to be a licensed Terminator ...
Games has released a new trailer for Mortal Kombat 1 that reveals a brief first look at upcoming guest character T-1000 ...
It seems this could all be set to change with the discovery a game called Terminator 2D: No Fate has been rated by the Australian Classification Board for the Nintendo Switch and multiple other ...