A rich and favourful take on the classic chicken and leek pie. Although it takes a long time to cook there's little effort involved. For this recipe you will need a 1.2 litre/2 pint pudding bowl ...
Place the leek, thyme, garlic, lentils and radishes in a roasting tin, stir to combine and make four indentations in the mixture. Place the chicken breasts in the indentations and cover each ...
I've got just the thing for you. Baked chicken in leek sauce with a secret spice is my go-to for gloomy days. It's worth giving it a try! Sometimes, a dish's success depends on the smallest details.
The leeks are my addition, and make an ideal bed for the chicken thighs. This dish is lovely with mashed potatoes, polenta or ...
Dates stuffed with cream cheese wrapped in strips of bacon and leek. This is traditionally made with prunes and popularly known as 'Devils on Horseback'. Cut the dates lengthwise, but not all the way ...