so they could be considered a close cousin to cash back. Store credit, on the other hand, just creates an obligation to buy more stuff at the store. If a card lets you literally convert your ...
But even when you successfully bypass these last-minute impulse purchases, the cashier may deliver a persuasive pitch asking you to sign up for a new store credit ... with cash back or points ...
Don't be shocked if you're hit with all sorts of deals to tempt you into opening a store-branded ... "Getting 5% back with your Amazon or Target or Best Buy card is a good deal if you shop there ...
The best grocery rewards cards offer up to 6% cash back ... store rewards cards based on your spending habits (see our methodology for more information on how we choose the best cards). Best ...
There could be some hidden fees, higher-than-you'd-ever-imagine interest rates and some pretty key drawbacks for a card you might not use often.