These maverick babes (estimated at 3 or 4 in every 100 babies) look like they want to be born feet, or bottom-first, and are in what's called a breech position. Your midwife will check the position of ...
Two families in the Lehigh Valley welcomed babies into the world early Wednesday morning, the first children born in 2025 in ...
Breech babies who are born naturally are twice as likely to die as those delivered by planned Caesarean section, doctors warned yesterday. Women who try for a natural birth when their baby is in ...
Breech babies are at risk of injury and a prolapsed umbilical cord. Transverse lie is the most serious abnormal presentation, and it can lead to injury of the uterus (ruptured uterus) as well as ...
Frank breech is the most common type of breech position. Learn what this position means for you and your baby. If your baby is in a frank breech position, that means that their bottom is facing ...
Around 3 per cent of all deliveries are breech deliveries, which means that the baby is positioned either buttocks down with legs near the head (frank breech) with legs crossed and near the ...
Mums-to-be could be routinely offered an ultrasound scan at 36 weeks to help spot risky breech deliveries, when a baby's bottom or feet will emerge first, say UK researchers. Breech births can be ...
A senior coroner has urged a change in the guidelines for midwives on home births after two breech babies died. Westminster coroner Dr Paul Knapman said research showed a caesarean section was the ...
She said she had known her baby was in the breech position in the weeks before the birth. She arrived at hospital after her water broke at 33 weeks and was examined by a Dr Hinds who told her the ...